domingo, 18 de abril de 2021

Concurso DX Clube Sem Fronteiras 2021 9ª Semana de Escutas em Onda Média (OM/AM)


Concurso DX Clube Sem Fronteiras 2021
9ª Semana de Escutas em Onda Média (OM/AM)



1 – Do início do Concurso:
O evento terá início às 00h (UTC) do dia 08 e terminará às 23h59min (UTC) do dia 16/05/2021. Abrangendo a faixa de frequência de 540 a 1700 kHz.

2 - Da participação e inscrição:
Quem desejar participar deve enviar os logs até a data limite que é o dia 20 de junho de 2021.
Todos os participantes receberão Certificado de participação por e-mail.

2.1 - Da premiação:
1º -> Medalha e Boletim "DX Sem Fronteiras";
2º -> Medalha e Boletim "DX Sem Fronteiras";
3º -> Medalha e Boletim "DX Sem Fronteiras".

3 – Do envio:
Os relatórios dos logs (escutas) deverão ser enviados para o e-mail: colocando como título: "Semana OM/AM 2021".

4 – Dos relatórios:
Os logs (escutas) deverão ser enviados em ordem crescente de horário, ou seja, do primeiro indo até o último, na seqüência.

4.1 – Os relatórios deverão conter:
- Número seqüencial;
- Frequência;
- Data;
- Horário;
- Nome da emissora;
- Comentário (detalhes da escuta);

5 – Dos logs (escutas) aceitos:
O intervalo entre cada escuta e o respectivo registro deverá ser mínimo de 05 minutos, portanto, para intervalos menores não serão considerados.

5.1 – Da Pontuação:
Cada escuta ou Informe de Recepção (IR) irá receber uma pontuação máxima de 100 pontos.

A escuta que indicar: Nome do Dexista, Endereço Completo, Data, Hora UTC e Código SINPO:
- 10 Pontos

A escuta que indicar a sequência das freqüências das emissoras:
- 10 Pontos

A escuta que indicar detalhes da programação e Identificação:
- 80 Pontos (sendo 50 pontos para os detalhe + 30 pontos para a identificação (ID) ouvida da emissora);

6 – Do prazo de entrega:
O prazo de entrega (envio) dos relatórios das escutas será até as 23h59min do dia 20 de junho de 2021.

7 - Do Resultado:
O resultado será conhecido dia 11 de julho de 2021.

Boas escutas a todos.

Antonio Avelino

DX Clube Sem Fronteiras
Caixa Postal 77
CEP – 55002-970
Caruaru – Pernambuco - Brasil 



Resultado Oficial do concurso 5ª Maratona de Escutas em FM, OM/AM, OT e OC realizado dia 07 de março de 2021

Resultado Oficial do concurso 5ª Maratona de Escutas
em FM, OM/AM, OT e OC realizado dia 07 de março de 2021


1 – Itamar Nunes de Assis (6.340 pontos), Cuiabá, Mato Grosso – Brasil
2 – Jose Jacob (5.150 pontos), Índia
3 – Myadel Alexander (5.020 pontos), Minsk, República da Bielorrússia (Belarus)
4 – Antonio Avelino da Silva (1.860 pontos), Caruaru, Pernambuco – Brasil
5 – Pradip Chandra Kundu (820 pontos), Índia



01 3310 07/03/2021 00:01 R. Mosoj Chaski BOL OM e YL em Quechua, id, 35333
02 5935 07/03/2021 00:09 WWCR USA OM e YL em inglês, e-mail, id Pacific Gardem Mission, endereço, história inspiradoras, 35443
03 5970 07/03/2021 00:16 WEWN USA Id R. Católica Mundial, px “Con los Ojos de Maria”, YL e OM em espanhol, ano de São José, 34433
04 6030 07/03/2021 00:23 R. Marti USA OM em espanhol, comentários sobre Cuba, //7365, 7435, id 35 anos contigo, 34433
05 6040 07/03/2021 00:30 R. Romania Internacional ROU Px em espanhol, entrevista com músico argentino bandeonista Omar Massa, //7235, id, 24432
06 7240 07/03/2021 00:37 PBS Xizang CHN OM e YL em chinês, 35443
07 7350 07/03/2021 00:45 China Radio International CHN OM em inglês, 45544
08 7385 07/03/2021 00:52 PBS Xizang CHN Px em tibetano, músicas, 44333
09 7445 07/03/2021 00:58 BBC G Px em língua dari, 35443
10 9440 07/03/2021 01:20 China Radio International CHN Px em língua russa, mx, 45544
11 5800 07/03/2021 01:25 R. Taiwan Internacional USA Px em espanhol, id, endereço, e-mail, final da programação, 45444
12 6130 07/03/2021 01:32 R. Romania Internacional ROU Px em inglês, mx instrumental, //7325, id, 35443
13 7305 07/03/2021 01:40 R. Vaticano USA Px em espanhol, fala do Papa Francisco, 45544
14 9590 07/03/2021 01:50 R. Internacional da China CHN Px em espanhol, programa “Aonde Vamos?”, //9710, 45544
15 9665 07/03/2021 02:20 R. Voz Missionária B Ouvintes ao telefone, 45444
16 11780 07/03/2021 02:27 R. Nacional da Amazonia B Mx, OM em português, mx “Folha caída” com Luciane Franco. 34433
17 7280 07/03/2021 02:35 R. Voz da Turquia TUR Mx turca, //7265, 45544
18 5910 07/03/2021 02:44 R. Romania ROU Mx clássica, px em romeno, //7420, 45444
19 5980 07/03/2021 02:52 AWR AUT Px em punjabi, OM, id, endereço no Paquistão, site, id, 34333
20 15720 07/03/2021 03:05 R. New Zealand Intl. NZL YL em inglês, id. 24332
21 11815 07/03/2021 03:15 R. Brasil Central B Mx, MPB, 23322
22 9330 07/03/2021 03:30 WBCQ USA Programação da WLC em inglês, sobre a besta de Apocalipse. 34433
23 10000 07/03/2021 03:35 WWVH HWA Voz feminina com hora UTC, time pips, 34333
24 6195 07/03/2021 09:20 R. Japão USA Id, px “Ponto de Encontro” cartas dos ouvintes com Sonia e Everton, 45554
25 6155 07/03/2021 09:27 KBS KOR Px em japones, YL, mx, 24332
26 9810 07/03/2021 09:40 CNR 2 CHN OM e YL em chines, 45544
27 9500 07/03/2021 09:46 CNR 1 CHN OM e YL em chines, //9630, 9765, 9830, 44444
28 9415 07/03/2021 09:55 China Radio International CHN OM e YL em inglês comentando sobre a pandemia, 45544
29 9275 07/03/2021 10:05 FEBC PHL OM e YL em chines, 24322
30 15140 07/03/2021 12:40 R. Habana Cuba CUB Px “Por una Vida Mejor”, sobre contaminação acústica, 33433
31 89.5 07/03/2021 17:30 R. Assembleia MT FM B Músicas, 55555
32 90.1 07/03/2021 17:40 Nativa FM B Música com Luan Santana, 55555
33 90.7 07/03/2021 17:46 Cultura FM B Músicas, 45554
34 92.7 07/03/2021 17:55 R. Bom Jesus FM B Músicas evangélicas, 55555
35 93.3 07/03/2021 18:00 R. Jovem Pan FM B Músicas retransmissoras Jovem PAN, 55555
36 94.3 07/03/2021 18:06 R. Cidade FM B Pregação religiosa, 45554
37 95.9 07/03/2021 18:15 CBN Cuiabá FM B Notícias sobre a pandemia, 55555
38 97.7 07/03/2021 18:21 Deusa Branca FM B Id, hora ceta, músicas, 45554
39 98.3 07/03/2021 18:30 Vila Real FM B Id, px “Aqui o Seu Idolo não Morreu”, música sertaneja antiga, 55555
40 99.1 07/03/2021 18:40 Centro América FM B Músicas, 55555
41 99.9 07/03/2021 18:46 R. Gazeta FM B Músicas, 55555
42 101.1 07/03/2021 18:55 Band FM B Música funk, 55555
43 101.9 07/03/2021 19:02 Capital FM B Sertanejo universitário, 55555
44 102.5 07/03/2021 19:10 R. Senado FM B id. R. Senado, 45554
45 103.7 07/03/2021 19:15 R. Conti B Sertanejo universitário, 55555
46 104.3 07/03/2021 19:20 TRT FM B Músicas, 55555
47 104.9 07/03/2021 19:30 R. Mirante FM B Músicas, 55555
48 105.3 07/03/2021 19:36 R. Amem FM B Músicas religiosa, 45554
49 105.5 07/03/2021 19:42 R. ABC Shalom B Músicas religiosas, 35553
50 106.7 07/03/2021 19:50 R. Atos FM B Músicas religiosas, 45554
51 106.9 07/03/2021 19:56 R. Adonai FM B Músicas religiosas, 55555
52 107.9 07/03/2021 20:05 R. Nazareno FM B Pregação religiosas, músicas, 55555
53 15190 07/03/2021 20:12 R. Inconfidência B MPB, px “Túnel do Tempo”, 35443
54 15730 07/03/2021 20:20 VOA USA Px em francês, músicas, 45544
55 11940 07/03/2021 20:28 REE E Comentários sobre futebol, //11685, 55555
56 12050 07/03/2021 20:35 R. Ndarason ASC OM e YL comentários em kanuri, 45444
57 12095 07/03/2021 20:40 BBC ASC YL entrevista OM em inglês, 45444
58 9555 07/03/2021 20:46 R. Saudi ARS Mx árabe, 25332
59 9790 07/03/2021 20:52 RFI F YL em francês, músicas, 35443
60 9820 07/03/2021 20:57 R. 9 de Julho B Mx Manuela com Júlio Iglesias, você está ouvindo o programa latino américa, id, 25332
61 9940 07/03/2021 21:02 R. Free Asia MRA OM comentários em coreano, 35433
62 10000 07/03/2021 21:08 Observatório Nacional B Hora certa por YL, 35333
63 7220 07/03/2021 21:15 Voz do Vietnam VTN Programa em francês, entrevista, mx vietnamita, 45544
64 7280 07/03/2021 22:20 Voz do Vietnam VTN Programa em espanhol, mx, severa interferência da CRI em 7285 kHz, melhor escuta em LSB, 32332
65 7365 07/03/2021 22:25 R. Vaticano CVA Px em português para a África, 45444
66 4885 07/03/2021 21:31 R. Clube do Pará B Narração de partida de futebol Palmeiras e Grêmio, 24332
67 5995 07/03/2021 21:40 R. Mali MLI YL em francês, 35443
68 6010 07/03/2021 21:50 R. Inconfidência B Px Aquarela Brasileira, MPB, 34333
69 6040 07/03/2021 22:00 R. Algerienne ALG Pregação em árabe, 34433
70 7315 07/03/2021 22:15 CRI CHN Programação em esperanto, interferência CNR2 – CBR, //9860, 33333
71 9955 07/03/2021 22:35 WRMI USA Programação em inglês, 45444
72 11610 07/03/2021 22:43 KSDA GUM Programa em vietnamita, 35443
73 11685 07/03/2021 22:50 NHK J Programa em japonês, 24432
74 1030 07/03/2021 22:55 R. Capital-RJ B Programação IPDA, mx Batalha de Josué, 34333
75 15000 07/03/2021 23:05 WWVH HWA Voz feminina, 14331
76 15000 07/03/2021 23:10 WWV USA Voz masculina, 14221
77 15215 07/03/2021 23:15 KSDA GUM Px em chinês //15625, 35443
78 15230 07/03/2021 23:20 R. Habana Cuba CUB Programa em português, endereço de ouvinte Gad Gomes Gonzaga, 35443
79 11850 07/03/2021 23:25 R. Free Asia MRA Programa em khmer, 45444
80 3915 07/03/2021 23:30 BBC SNG OM e YL em inglês, 24222
81 4764 07/03/2021 23:35 R. Huanta 2000 PRU YL em língua indígena, cit. Peru, comunidad campesina, 34333
82 4955 07/03/2021 23:40 R. Cultural Amauta PRU id. 24332
83 5025 07/03/2021 23:45 R. Rebelde CUB Mx de Roberto Carlos, Um milhão de amigos em espanhol, 34333
84 600 07/03/2021 23:50 R. Gaúcha AM B Comentários sobre o jogo de Palmeiras e Grêmio, px balanço final, comercial quero-quero, espaço luz energia solar no RS, 34443
85 840 07/03/2021 23:55 R, Bandeirantes B Id, anúncios, interferência de emissora argentina. 33333

OM – Homem
YL – Mulher
NX – Noticia
ID – Identificação

Dexista: Itamar Nunes de Assis (INA)
Local das escutas: Cuiabá, Mato Grosso – Brasil


№ Frequência Data Horário UTC Código ITU Nome da emissora Comentário (detalhes da escuta), SINPO

1. 6070 khz 07.03.2021 07.00-07.05 28 Germany Radio Waves International, ID, audio clip, 35333
2. 9710 khz 07.03.2021 07.10-07.15 27 France Radio France Internarional, audio clip, 55444
3. 15580 khz 07.03.2021 07.20-07.25 57 Botsvana Voice of America, audio clip, 45444
4. 15145 khz 07.03.2021 07.30-07.35 44 China China Radio International, audio clip, 43333
5. 13710 khz 07.03.2021 07.40-07.45 27 France Manara Radio International, audio clip, 33333
6. 9535 khz 07.03.2021 07.50-07.55 66 Ascension Island Radio Ndarason International, audio clip, 35333
7. 9670 khz 07.03.2021 08.00-08.05 28 Germany Offshore History Radio Channel 292, ID, audio clip, 55444
8. 13720 khz 07.03.2021 08.10-08.15 39 Saudi Arabia Saudi Radio International, audio clip, 35333
9. 15280 khz 07.03.2021 08.20-08.25 45 Japan NHK Radio Japan, audio clip, 35333
10. 5970 khz 07.03.2021 08.30-08.35 18 Denmark Radio 208, ID, audio clip, 45444
11. 6020 khz 07.03.2021 08.40-08.45 27 Netherlands Radio Delta International, audio clip, 35333
12. 17560 khz 07.03.2021 08.50-08.55 49 Thailand Radio Farda, ID, audio clip, 33333
13. 9670 khz 07.03.2021 09.00-09.05 28 Germany Super Clan Radio, ID, audio clip, 45333
14. 9670 khz 07.03.2021 10.00-10.05 28 Germany DARC Radio, ID, audio clip, 45444
15. 6160 khz 07.03.2021 10.10-10.15 28 Germany Shortwave Radio, audio clip, 35333
16. 9750 khz 07.03.2021 10.40-10.45 45 Japan NHK Radio Japan, audio clip, 35333
17. 11745 khz 07.03.2021 10.50-10.55 39 Saudi Arabia Al-Azm Radio, audio clip, 33333
18. 9670 khz 07.03.2021 11.00-11.05 28 Germany Valley FM, ID, audio clip, 35333
19. 9700 khz 07.03.2021 11.10-11.15 60 New Zealand Radio New Zealand International, audio clip, 45333
20. 17880 khz 07.03.2021 11.20-11.25 28 Germany Radio Mashaal, audio clip, 35333
21. 9275 khz 07.03.2021 11.30-11.35 50 Philippines FEBC Radio Liangyou, audio clip, 35333
22. 9490 khz 07.03.2021 11.50-11.55 44 Taiwan Radio Taiwan International, ID, audio clip, 35333
23. 9670 khz 07.03.2021 12.00-12.10 28 Germany KDUB, ID, audio clip, 35333
24. 9570 khz 07.03.2021 12.21-12.26 44 South Korea KBS World Radio, audio clip, 44444
25. 13750 khz 07.03.2021 12.40-12.45 28 Romania Radio Romania International, audio clip, 55444
26. 9875 khz 07.03.2021 12.50-12.55 64 Guam Island Adventist World Radio, audio clip, 44444
27. 15770 khz 07.03.2021 13.00-13.05 08 USA Radio For Peace International, ID, audio clip, 45444
28. 5980 khz 07.03.2021 13.10-13.15 18 Denmark Radio OZ-Viola, ID, audio clip, 35333
29. 17705 khz 07.03.2021 13.20-13.25 39 Saudi Arabia Radio Riyadh, audio clip, 35333
30. 15825 khz 07.03.2021 13.30-13.35 08 USA WWCR, audio clip, 35333
31. 87.5 Mhz 07.03.2021 15.10-15.15 29 Belarus Radio Relax, ID, audio clip, 55555
32. 92.4 Mhz 07.03.2021 15.20-15.25 29 Belarus Radio Minsk, ID, audio clip, 55555
33. 92.8 Mhz 07.03.2021 16.30-16.35 29 Belarus Europe Plus, audio clip, 55555
34. 93.7 Mhz 07.03.2021 16.40-16.45 29 Belarus Yumor FM, ID, audio clip, 55555
35. 94.1 Mhz 07.03.2021 16.50-16.55 29 Belarus Legendy FM, ID, audio clip, 55555
36. 96.2 Mhz 07.03.2021 17.00-17.05 29 Belarus Melodii Veka, ID, audio clip, 55555
37. 98.0 Mhz 07.03.2021 17.15-17.20 29 Belarus Auto Radio, ID, audio clip, 55555
38. 98.4 Mhz 07.03.2021 17.25-17.30 29 Belarus Novoe Radio, ID, audio clip, 55555
39. 1521 khz 07.03.2021 17.44-17.54 42 China China Radio International, audio clip, 33333
40. 1413 khz 07.03.2021 18.00-18.05 29 Moldova Vesti FM, audio clip, 54444
41. 1386 khz 07.03.2021 18.10-18.15 29 Lithuania Radio Free Europe, audio clip, 55444
42. 1251 khz 07.03.2021 18.20-18.30 28 Hungary Dankó Rádió, ID, audio clip
43. 1215 khz 07.03.2021 18.35-18.40 27 United Kingdom Absolute Radio, ID, audio clip, 33333
44. 1188 khz 07.03.2021 18.45-18.50 28 Hungary MR4 Nemzetiségi Adások, audio clip, 44444
45. 1179 khz 07.03.2021 18.55-19.00 28 Romania Radio România Actualități ID, audio clip, 45444
46. 1089 khz 07.03.2021 19.10-19.15 27 United Kingdom TalkSPORT, audio clip, 43333
47. 1035 khz 07.03.2021 19.20-19.25 29 Estonia Radio Eli, audio clip, 55444
48. 999 khz 07.03.2021 19.30-19.35 29 Moldova Trans World Radio, audio clip, 54444
49. 954 khz 07.03.2021 19.40-19.45 28 Czech Republic ČRo Radio Dvojka, audio clip, 44333
50. 882 khz 07.03.2021 20.15-20.20 27 United Kingdom BBC Radio Wales, Audio clip, 33333
51. 864 khz 07.03.2021 20.25-20.30 38 Egypt Radio Al-Quran al-Karim, audio clip, 44333
52. 828 khz 07.03.2021 20.35-20.40 29 Russia Radiogazeta Slovo, audio clip, 54444
53. 549 khz 07.03.2021 20.51-20.56 29 Ukraine Ukraine Radio 1, ID, audio clip, 55444
54. 540 khz 07.03.2021 21.01-21.06 28 Hungary MR1 Kossuth Rádió, audio clip, 54444
55. 531 khz 07.03.2021 21.11-21.16 37 Algeria Radio Algérie, audio clip, 43333
56. 234 khz 07.03.2021 21.22-21.29 27 Luxembourg RTL, audio clip, 35333
57. 225 khz 07.03.2021 21.35-21.40 28 Poland Polskie Radio Jedynka, audio clip, 44333
58. 3985 khz 07.03.2021 21.45-21.50 28 Germany Radio Belarus, audio clip, 45444
59. 98.9 khz 07.03.2021 21.57-22.02 29 Belarus Russkoe Radio ID, audio clip, 55555
60. 99.5 Mhz 07.03.2021 22.08-22.14 29 Belarus Radio Unistar ID, audio clip, 55555
61. 100.4 Mhz 07.03.2021 22.20-22.25 29 Belarus Radio ENERGY ID, audio clip, 55555

Dexista: Myadel Alexander
Local das escutas: Minsk, República da Bielorrússia (Belarus)

Receptor: RTL SDR 2832U+R820T
Antena: Mini Whip, Long Wire 20 m


No. Frequency Date UTC ITU code Station Details SINPO

1 5970 07/mar/21 1 OMA BBC Oman News on Popes visit to Baghdad, Lebenon Industry, milk supplies, At) 003 station id, Election Ivory Coast, France Covid, At 0005 CULTUTAL FRONT LIVE, world womens day At 0007 2 females spoke about Syrian conflict, 45444
2 5845 07/mar/21 15 ARM BBC Erevan About Story of Syrian Conflit, At 0028 Station id, BBC Cultural Front line, American female spoke on Covdi, 24322
3 7590 07/mar/21 45 MDA TWR, Moldova Hindi language: Station id, TWR Meter band. Song by male, AAP KE LIYE program, Luke Preaching, At 0052 UTC mentioned Jacob 1- 5, St. George Miller, At 0058 address Box Cuttack 753001 Odisha, Song by male, 45444
4 6155 07/mar/21 59 UZB NHK Tashkent Hindi language, Station ide etc. Listeners letters: Amit Bukari about climate change, Suresh about Children of Japan Book, Ajay Singh Rawat About learning Japanese, NHK world id website etc. Frequency announcement at 0105, 45333
5 7325 07/mar/21 107 ROU Radio Romania International English. About Budget, Magistrial Investigation, Police open fire, Workers detained for not wearing face masks, 3rd wave of Covid, Golder Bear Awrad. At 0112 about Romania celebrates 145 years of a sculptor, 343333
6 12095 07/mar/21 117 SNG BBC Singapore English. About Cambride university, Travel to diamond facility in S. Africa, Johannesbaerg, At 0128 station id by female, about lockdown, At 0130 BBC News about Conoro virus recovery plan USA, Paraguay President resigns, 34333
7 5930 07/mar/21 135 AUT BBC Moosbrunn Pashtu program. Talk by male about Afghanistan, Report via telephone, At 0138 Talk by female about America, Afgaanistan, At 0144 Local Song, Talk by male & female about Afghanistan, 55555
8 11885 07/mar/21 150 CHN China Radio International English. Talk about Turtles, Natures miracle, return to beach where they are born, At 0154, id as China stduio CRI - Chinese by Radio. About swimming pool, water too cold, do you know how to swim 55555
9 6170 07/mar/21 158 UAE FEBA, UAE Urdu program. Music, FEBA Tuning Signal, Station id by male, Program HAMESHA KI ZINDAGI. Talk on Yakob, Prayer, At 0201 Song by male, At 0207 Preaching by male, 45444
10 5980 07/mar/21 211 AUT AWR Moosbrunn Urdu program. Song by female, At 0214 Talk by female, AWR Music, Adress Box… Lahore, Pakistan, email id, internet, program SADAYI UMEED, preaching by male, 54444
11 1782007/mar/21 216 PHL Radyo Pilippinas English. About Covid vaccine, DATELINE MOHALAYA, Food & drugs adminitration, At 0219 About Vaccine from China, At 0221 National id card for President, About 1 million doses of vaccine from china, 45444
12 9730 07/mar/21 227 BRM Radio Myanma Burmese program. Local pop song, announcement by female, Talk by female like news, about Covid, At 0236 Music, station id, Music and announcemnets by female Talk by 2 female with laughter 35333
13 9355 07/mar/21 252 THA VOA Thailand Burmese program. Station id, I phone downlaod, Talk by male, At 0256 Talk by male, sound of crowd, News? At 0301 Report via telephone, Talk by female, At 0306 Announcement by male, 555555
14 13760 07/mar/21 312 MDG KNLS Madagascar Enlish. Song, About Olympicc paralised champians, At 0316 Statio id Adress Box 473, Anchor Point, Alaska 99556 USA,, Talk by male about excess, 454444
15 5040 07/mar/21 330 IND AIR Jeypore Oriya language. Station id, Program on Bureau of Statndrd, Drama, Hall Mark,, 353333
16 11740 07/mar/21 400 IND AIR New Delhi Nepali. Tuning Signal, station id, Day, date etc., prohgram details, devotional song, at 0405 NEWS about Prime Minsiter Modi, Indo Japan, Badmintion Covid, 55555
17 9410 07/mar/21 455 UAE BBC UAE English. Talk by male & female about Iran with short music in between, At 0501 About America, Afghanistan, Washington etc. 35333
18 11550 07/mar/21 758 UZB Iran International, Tashkent Farsi language: Talk by male & female, At 0759 Station id as Iran International, by male, music, song by female, At 0804 Female talk, Station id, Song by female, 35333
19 738 07/mar/21 824 IND AlR Hyderabad TELUGU Language: Songs by SP Balsubramayam, At 0827 about VANITHA LOGAAM (Womes World) program, Station id, At 0830 English News about Prime Minsiter modi, Covid, Swisss open badmintion, 55555
20 15680 07/mar/21 836 PLW Hope Radio English. Talk by 2 male, about St Paul Salvation in the cross of Christ, Hebrews, Isaaih, Acts, John At 0855 adress CHRISTIAN WORSHIP HOUR Box 2002, S.Dakota, 57402, Bible study id as Angel 4 Hope Radoio at 0857, Music, 44444
21 17615 07/mar/21 901 ARS Saudi Arab Radio Koran Resitation by male, at 0905 station id etc., Koran from Riyad, At 0908 Talk by male about Allah, At 0909 station id, announcemnets, Koran Resitation, 55555
22 17760 07/mar/21 1010 KWT Radio Kuwait Filipino language. News by male & female about Dinars, Fils, Covid 19, Ministry of health, At 1014 station id, Talk by male about Ministry of Interior, At 1016 Jingle of Radio Kuwait FM , At 10`8 song by female, 55555
23 17560 07/mar/21 1030 THA Radio Farda Thailand Station ids, news by male about Pope Francis, Britain, at 1036 Music, About Covid, Announcements by male, At 1037 female spoke on covid, 55555
24 11825 07/mar/21 1101 SNG NHK Singapore NHK id etc. News about Tsunami escape route, Newuclear power plant, to be stopped, Accidnet in 2011, Kyoto declaration, Covid vaccine, At 1106 Thailand anti govt. protests, at 1109 main stories, at 1110 FRIENDS AROUND THE WORLD program, Letters about sea monstor mermaid, 35333
25 9910 07/mar/21 1120 GUM KTWR, Guam English language: Preaching by male, UNLIMITED, Power of Christ, Chapel, Adress Box 6095, Guam 96916, At 1123 Song by male, 44444
26 5875 07/mar/21 1145 THA Radio Thailand English language: Tuning Signal, id as HSK9, News on Hill tribe development program, Covid 19 vaccination, Election Commisioner, Electricity charges, At 1153 Chinese vaccines arrive, Use water carefully, Inflation, 55555
27 11825 07/mar/21 1200 AUS Reach Beyond Australia English: Music, sound of bird, Statio id, About Friends of People, Friendship with Jesus, Song by Barbara Missouri at 107 UTC about In the darkest night he has beeen my friend. At 1210 song What afriend we have in Jesus. SONGS OF HOPE program, 55555
28 4750 07/mar/21 1245 BGD Bangladesh Betar Speech by female about Independence Day, At 1252 Talk by male, Speech in Bengali, At 1257 Talk by male, music, announcement by female, station id, At 1258 silence, 53333
29 15255 07/mar/21 1302 CLN AWR Trincomalle Bengali language. Health Talk by male, Apple, Tomotao, Cancer, Vitamin At 1304 Talk by male adress Ashar Banii, GPO Box, Dhaka, Bangladesh 100 About Cancer, DNA, Oxygen, 1309 AWR id song by group, 55555
30 9290 07/mar/21 1311 ARM TWR, Erevan Santali language: Tuning Signal for long time, At 1314 Station id etc., Music, Talk by male, GOOD NEWS HOUR, Welcome, Long Talk about Bible., At 1325 Adress Box 566, Purnea, Bihar 864310, 45444
31 15480 07/mar/21 1330 GUM KSDA Agat Station id, music, Khasi program. Song by male, At 1335 Announcemnet by female, Station id, Adress,, At 1336 Station id, Talk by male, 45444
32 9900 07/mar/21 1338 CLN BBC Trincomalle Bengali language. Talk about Shaik Mujeeb by Sajana Chowdary, Speech Report by female, About Awami League, At 1342 Promotion of new BBC TV Bangldesh, At 1343 News by Masul Hasan, About Myanmar, Pope Francis, 55555
33 11925 07/mar/21 1400 UAE NHK UAE English. Time signal,NEWSLINE, About Chinse Foreign Minister, Coast Guard, S.China Sea, Covid, Japan Justice Minister, Kyoto Declaration, At 1405 Baby Panda Zoo, Tsunami 10th anniversary, At 1410 Letters. About Monstor Mermaid, 55555
34 9540 07/mar/21 1451 UZB FEBA, Tashkent Hindi language: Song, About Interview, body language, Call center, GDP, Team members At 1457 Adress Box 6 New Delhi 110001, Phone no. 8860088827, At 1458 Music, staton id, tuning signal, Off at 1459, 44444
35 17895 07/mar/21 1500 STP VOA Sao Tome English, VOA News about Myanmar, Pope viist to Iraq, Swiss election, Israel Covid, At 1505 Music time Africa, International womens day theme, challenge african women, Song by Gambias biggest group, 35333
36 5920 07/mar/21 1510 PHL Vatican Radio, Philippines Malayalam program. About Popes visit to Iraq, Saturday evening and Sunday morning program, St. Thomas Cathredral viist, At 1513 Speech of Pope, 55555
37 7410 07/mar/21 1522 UZB AWR Tashkent Tamil language: Preaching by male, about sin, prayer in House, Satan, At 1529 Prayer, Adress, Music. At 1530 Station id etc. in differnet langauges, Hindi program started, 54444
38 6155 07/mar/21 1531 TJK AWR Dushanbe Wavescan program. WRMI id, About Chamtam Islands Radio history by Ray Robinson, Ships in New Island, New Guinea, Americans Arrive, 34333
39 6000 07/mar/21 1545 IRN Iran Urdu program. Koran Resitation, Talk by male, email id, Music, Talk by 2 male, At 1552, Talk by male about Islam, 43333
40 9680 07/mar/21 1552 J NHK Japan Japanese. Song by male, at 1553 Announcemnet by male about America, At 1554 Station id, at 1555 Music, Talk by male, At 1558 Talk on Myanmar, Slovakia, Denmark, Belgium, UAE, At 1559 Station id m Music, MHz, 45444
41 9405 07/mar/21 1600 TAIWAN Radio Taiwan International English, Station id, program details, Exhibition, inteview curator, About Natural history, Taiwan formation, Female spoke in chinese, 2 million years. Gold silver deposits, Marble, birs mamals. 35333
42 9580 07/mar/21 1605 ARM AWR Erevan English Wavescan program. Chamtam Islands Radio History by Ray Robinson, At 1608 About ZLC , At 1610 intervie with Venezuela Listener, about Ecos del Torbes, 35333
43 17730 07/mar/21 1612 MDG AWR Madagascar Wavescan program. Interview with Venezuelam Dxer living in USA, About Radio Rumbus, Ecos del torbes recording, At 1616 WWCR Jay Plumber interview at A21 HFCC, 55555
44 9640 07/mar/21 1618 KOR KBS English, Song, Talk by female, At 1619 Song, at 1626 Talk by female, mentioned First & Formost, Song by female, 25422
45 17895 07/mar/21 1630 BOT VOA Botswana English. Station id, NIGHT LINE AFRICA, VOA News, 3 women arrested in Harare, Sports At 1633 Football Uganda, Gambia, Tanzania, S. Africa, At 1635 mentioned Group B Congo, 35333
46 17780 07/mar/21 1657 ASC BBC Ascension Commentry in English of football match. Manchester United mentioned many times, No break at 1700. Commentry continued for long time, 35333
47 11750 07/mar/21 1704 CLN SLBC Trincomalle Sinhala program. Song, At 1707 new song, at 1710 announcement by male, songs, a718 announcement by male, Jingle of CITY FM, SLBC id, at 1719 website, 55555
48 9660 07/mar/21 1730 TUR Voice of Turkey English language: Music, station id by female, Time pips, Station id, full schedule, www.trt. Email id english desk. At 1731 Music, date, News by feamle, New Atlantic Security, NATO, Pope Francis in Iraq At 1739 about Myanmar killng, 45444
49 15125 07/mar/21 1750 MLI China Radio International Swahili program. African song, at 1756 Music on piano, announcements, station id etc. at 1757 sign off, 25222
50 9500 07/mar/21 1800 SWZ TWR Manzini Tuning Signal, Station id, English. About John Marrow, N. Carolina, New Study Guide, Worries & Anxious problems, 45444
51 4965 07/mar/21 1811 ZMB Voice of Hope, Zambia English. Wavescan program, Interview by Jeff White, Recording of Ecos del Torbes, 25322
52 12030 07/mar/21 1829 E REE Spanish. Announcemnet by male about Velencia, historico, Male interviewing female, Caroline Mary, Sports by male about Europe, Moscow, Tokyo, Olympicus, Barcelona, Real Madrid at 1836 id, Commentry, 35333
53 9715 07/mar/21 1858 AUT Bible Voice, Moosbrunn English program Chords of Worship, Adress in Michigen,, station id, adress At 1900 Program Poples Gospel Hour from Halifax. About Jesus is coming. Radio Paster Perry. Told of Romans Chapter 5, Verse 6 to 12. At 1905 read letters from Penselvania, Manitoba, Michigen, 44444
54 9875 07/mar/21 1922 KRE Voice of Korea English, Station id, Read line sof song I WILL FOLLOW…. At 1928 Female song, MY COUNTRY FILLED WITH GOLD, 35333
55 7325 07/mar/21 1930 D AWR Nauen Tachlat language. Id in different languages, Music, id and announcemnets by male, music, Long talk by male -preaching, 25322
56 9850 07/mar/21 1937 F AWR Issodorn Ibo Language. Talk by male, at 1940 music, at 1941 AWR id by male, adress 21244, email awrnigeria Phone no, 08037281356. At 1942 Song by choir at 1948 Talk by male, 32322

Dexista: Jose Jacob
Local das escutas: Índia

Receiver: Yaesu FT 757 GX II
Antenna: Dipole


No. Frequency Date UTC ITU code Name of Broadcaster Commentary SINPO

1 - 11820 07 march 2021 0150 - 0155 PHL Voice of America, Burmese Programme, report from Burma, political scenario. id at 0155 utc by male, 44444
2 - 13760 07 march 2021 0340-0345 MDG Madagascar World Voice
(KNLS-NEW LIFE RADIO), English program, religious talk - from the bible book of Hebrew. id, as ‘New Life Station’, 44344
3 - 13860 07 march 2021 0400-0405 ARS Radio Azadi, Pushto lang. Transmission - Reports on Afghanistan, discussion between male persons, 444444
4 - 15195 07 march 2021 0410-0415 J NHK Tokyo, Japanese programme. Radio Drama Continued. 34333
5 - 15150 07 march 2021 0420-0433 KRE Voice of Korea, French language prog. Revolutionary talk. Mentioning leader Kim, followed by revolutionary song, id at 0433 UTC, 33333
6 - 17710 07 march 2021 0700-0710 CHN CRI - China, English Program. Live coverage of press conference of Chinese foreign minister. 444444
7 - 11665 07 march 2021 0930-0935 MLA Wai FM, Malaysian Language- songs by Female Singer with Narration in between, 33333
8 - 9585 07 march 2021 1630-1640 SNG BBC, Bangla Programme ‘Parikrama’ with reports from Bangladesh, Myanmar. 45444
9 - 9660 07 march 2021 1810-1815 TUR Voice of Turkey, Turkish Programme, playing Turkish music id at 1815 UTC, 34333
10 9925 07 march 2021 1820-1825 PHL Radio Pilipinas, Pilipino Programme, new headlines, gout announcements, etc. 45444

Dexista: Pradip Chandra Kundu
Local das escutas: Índia

Receiver: XHDATA D 808
Antenna: Telescopic


Seq. Freq. Data, Hora (UTC), ITU, Emissora/Detalhes, SINPO

1. 15825 07/03/2021 2010 USA WWCR1 Nashville, om, comentários em idioma inglês, 333333
2. 15730 07/03/2021 2019 USA Rádio Voz da América (VOA), mx, yl, comentários em idioma francês, 55555
3. 15190 07/03/2021 2026 B Rádio Inconfidência, mx, id, yl, om, sinal fraco, idioma português, 22222
4. 13680 07/03/2021 2033 CUB Rádio Havana Cuba (RHC), yl, comentários em idioma francês, 22233
5. 13630 07/03/2021 2038 CHI Rádio Internacional da China (CRI), om, comentários em idioma inglês, 33333
6. 12095 07/03/2021 2044 BBC de Londres, om, comentários em idioma inglês, 55555
7. 12050 07/03/2021 2050 Rádio NDarason Internacional, om, yl, comentários em idioma kanuri, id, 55555
8. 11940 07/03/2021 2101 E Rádio Exterior da Espanha (REE), comentários de desporte, Juan Carlos Navajo es el mejor de la história ... Jugador Misterioso... Juego Atlético de Bilbao X Granada, segunda parte, idioma espanhol, 55555
9. 11930 07/03/2021 2112 USA Rádio Martí, Una poténcia... Salud… la población no tengo… en Cuba… y ahora con la pandemia… Parientes con cáncer, idioma espanhol, 44444
10. 7365 07/03/2021 2118 CVA Rádio Vaticano, Jesus expulsa do templo os comerciantes que negociavam na casa de Deus... O templo é casa de oração... Sozinho não somos capazes, mais Jesus nos ajuda. Idioma português, 55555
11. 11925 07/03/2021 2124 CHI Rádio Nacional da China (CNR 1) mx chinesa, emissão em idioma mandarim (chinês), om, yl, 55555
12. 11820 07/03/2021 2129 ARS SBA Holy Quran Radio, om comentários em idioma árabe, possivelmente leitura do alcorão, 33333
13. 11740 07/03/2021 2135 CHN Rádio Nacional da China Business (CNR2), om, comentários em idioma mandarim (chinês), 44444
14. 11720 07/03/2021 2141 USA Rádio Voz da América (VOA), mx internacional, yl, id, comentários em idioma inglês, px Country Music, 44444
15. 9940 07/03/2021 2147 MRA Rádio Free Ásia (RFA), om, yl, comentários em idioma coreano, 44444
16. 9800 07/03/2021 2153 D Adventist World Radio (AWR), om, comentários em idioma twi, 44444
17. 7315 07/03/2021 2205 CHN Rádio Internacional da China (CRI), yl, comentários em idioma esperanto, 44444
18. 7350 07/03/2021 2211 CNH Rádio Internacional da China (CRI), om, yl, comentários em idioma francês, 44444
19. 9330 07/03/2021 2220 USA WBCQ World's Last Chance, em 06 de janeiro de 1941 problema de Guerra na Europa, uma liberdade nunca se firmou... A liberdade de imprensa e de culta está em perigo, emissão em idioma português, 55555
20. 1130 07/03/2021 2334 B Rádio Cultura do Nordeste AM, mx internacional, mx “RPM - LOURA GELADA”, id, idioma português, 55555
21. 940 07/03/2021 2340 B Rádio Boa Vontade, id, mx Pagode “Barracão de Zinco” Elizeth Cardoso, Moça Prosa, Mulheres na música, 101 lições de sabedoria espiritual página 41... O Amor supera tudo. Px Samba e História. Idioma português, 55555
22. 720 07/03/2021 2345 B Rádio Clube de Pernambuco, comentários de esporte, logística do Santa Cruz e depois voltar para o clássico de domingo... Basílio, o Léo é um atleta muito dedicado. Idioma português, 55555
23. 94,70 07/03/2021 2350 B Rádio Liberdade, mx de Skank “Te Ver”, id. Ouvinte Aparecida Silva, pede uma canção de Moleca 100 Vergonha, mx “Lábios Dividido”. Idioma português, 55555
24. 107,90 07/03/2021 2355 B Rádio Ipojuca, mx “eu sei que vou te amar, por toda a minha vida eu vou te amar”... px “O Melhor dos Anos 90”, mmx de Maurício Maniere “Linda Sereia”, idioma português, 55555

Dexista: Antonio Avelino da Silva (AAS)(PY7048SWL)(PU7RAZ)
Local das escutas: Caruaru, Pernambuco – Brasil
Receptor: DEGEN DE 1103
Antena: Telescópica


O DX Clube Sem Fronteiras parabeniza todos os participantes e convida os demais amigos e amigas Dexistas, Radioescutas e Radioamadores para participarem das próximas edições dos concursos realizados pelo clube.

Dessa forma podemos cada vez mais captar emissoras de distintos países dos cinco continentes e apoiar as emissoras em suas programações.

Antonio Avelino

DX Clube Sem Fronteira
Caixa Postal 77
CEP: 55002-970
Caruaru – Pernambuco – Brasil
